What locations are offer insights available for?
Offer Insights are only available for US-based locations:
- All US
- US Tier 1
- US Tier 2 (coming soon)
- US Tier 3 (coming soon)
- See which cities map to US tiers here
Specific US cities and international locations are not available in Offer Insights.
How often is the Offer Insights data updated?
The Offer Insights trend data is updated monthly, on the first Monday of the month. The Offer Insights trend data looks back 12 months, so when the data is updated, the look back window is also updated.
Why is the data in Offer Insights different than what’s in core Pave Market Data?
Pave’s core Market Data comes from real-time data feeds with the systems of record for compensation: HRIS/payroll systems and equity management systems. The data is updated monthly and may shift based on changes in the HRIS/payroll systems, equity management systems and shifts in who is participating in the Pave data set.
Offer Insights data come exclusively from Greenhouse and is shared with Pave by Greenhouse. The data received from Greenhouse is completely de-identified, with no way to determine which company or what candidate the offer data comes from. Pave ingests the de-identified offer data and runs analytics on it to provide aggregated trend information.
Is the Offer Insights data pulled from all offers or only accepted offers?
The Offer Insights compensation “Base salary trends” look at compensation data from accepted offers for the selected job family, track and location. The “Acceptance rate trends” look at the percent of accepted offers out of all offers for the filtered job family, track and location.
Who has access to Offer Insights?
Offer Insights is a part of our Premium Market Data package. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to sales@pave.com or request a demo on pave.com
Where can I find Offer Insights in the product?
Offer Insights is available in the Employee Compensation tab within Market Data. When you search for a job family, the relevant Offer Insights data will appear with a high-level summary of how compensation for that job family has changed over time. You may click on those insights for more detail and the ability to further filter the data.
What data is available as a part of Offer Insights?
- Insights on competitiveness of individual jobs: The ability to track if a job family has seen cooling (decreasing) compensation trend, stable compensation trend, or hot (increasing) compensation trend over the last 12 months.
- Base salary offer trends over time: How compensation has changed for a specific job family, track and location over the last 12 months, relative to the market average for that location.
- Acceptance rate trends over time: How acceptance rates have changed for a specific job family, track and location over the last 12 months, with a comparison to the market average for that location.
- The ability to filter down to specific job families, US-based locations (All US, US Tier 1, US Tier 2 and US Tier 3) and the track (Professional/Individual Contributor vs. Manger).
- Note that Offer Insights is not available for variable compensation trends, total compensation trends or equity trends, and is not available for Executive positions or non-US based locations.
How is Greenhouse Offer Data different from core Pave benchmarks from HRIS and Equity Systems?
- Pave’s core market data comes from real-time data feeds with the systems of record for compensation: HRIS/payroll systems and equity management systems. Use Pave’s core compensation benchmarks — with filters for job family, level, location and company stage — to build compensation bands, or support base salary, variable and equity compensation rates.
- Offer Insights powered by Greenhouse shows trends in compensation over time and is based exclusively on offers made over the last 12 months in the Greenhouse application. Use Offer Insights to update bands, or revisit how rates may have changed over time. Generally, it is not advised to use Greenhouse Offer Insights to set initial compensation bands, but rather the evaluate how those bands may need to be updated based on how compensation for a job family has changed over time. Note that there are fewer filters options for Offer Insights.
How does Pave get this data?
Pave and Greenhouse have launched an exciting partnership to bring real time offer insights from the hiring market into Pave’s market data product. Pave receives data from Greenhouse that is completely de-identified, with no way to determine which company or what candidate the offer data comes from. Pave ingests the de-identified offer data and runs analytics on it to provide aggregated trend information. You do not need to be a Greenhouse customer to access Offer Insights, and companies are not required to connect their Greenhouse account (or any other ATS) to Pave to access the data.
What does it mean when offers are “Highly Competitive” versus “In Line with Market” versus “Cooling”?
- “Highly Competitive” indicates that the
- “In Line with Market”
- “Cooling”
To identify jobs as highly competitive, in line with market, and cooling, we evaluate whether a job has significant movement up or down relative to the market as a whole. While we consider signals other than year-over-year change, a good rule of thumb is that a job with a +10% increase in offer salary year over year will be labeled hot, while a job with a 5% decrease will be labeled cold.
How do I interpret Base salary trends and Acceptance rate trends charts?
What does the grey line represent?
The grey trend line represents how the “Market” has changed in the last 12 months. Specifically, the grey line represents the Median base salary or the median acceptance rate for the Market. The “Market” is defined as ALL job families for the selected location and levels. The “Market” trend is included to contextualize how the individual job family you are searching for (represented by the blue line) has changed relative to the market. -
What does the blue line in represent?
The blue trend line represents how base salaries and acceptance rates have changed for the selected job family, location and levels. Specifically, the blue line represents the median base salary and median acceptance rate (per job) over time. -
What does the light blue area around the blue line represent?
The light blue area around the blue line represents the 25th and 75th percentile associated with the trend. In other words, if the blue line represents the median (i.e. the 50th percentile) the blue area represents the 25th percentile and 75th percentile for base salary and acceptance rates over time.