Make sure you have read Approval Flows before reading through this doc.
The Status column shows one of 5 different approval statuses that employees can take on:
Pending Submission - this will only show up for planners that have managers that report up to them who are also participating in the cycle. When those managers are working on their employees and have not yet submitted their worksheet, those employees will be Pending Submission. The logged in user cannot make compensation adjustments for employees who are Pending Submission and must either wait for the earlier planner to submit their worksheet, or must Pull Up the employee into their worksheet. In this case, Yana Douglas (second planner in the approval chain) is waiting on Davian Doyle (first planner in the approval chain) to submit their worksheet for this employee. This status is relative based on which planner is logged in.
In Worksheet - when an earlier planner in the chain has submitted their employees to a user, those employees would then be In Worksheet for that planner, since they are the current, active planner. The current planner can go in and make compensation adjustments for employees who are In Worksheet. In this case, Yana Douglas is the active planner and can make changes for this employee. This status is relative based on which planner is logged in.
Submitted - when a planner has submitted their worksheet, the status for all employees moves into either Submitted or Finalized. If the planner was the final planner in the chain, the employee’s status becomes Finalized, otherwise the employee’s status is Submitted. Additionally, an employee’s status becomes Submitted if a planner further along in the chain pulls the employee up into their worksheet. At this point, the logged in planner cannot submit further compensation adjustments for that employee. This status is relative based on which planner is logged in.
Finalized - as described above, an employee’s status becomes Finalized when the final planner in the approval chain submits their worksheet. At this point, only cycle admins can make further compensation adjustments for this employee. This status is the same for all planners that have access to this employee.
Ineligible - this indicates that the employee is not eligible to receive any compensation adjustments, and does not have an approval chain. This status is the same for all planners that have access to this employee.