What is “Data Upload”?
You can upload cycle-specific data for each employee. This is for data that cannot be retrieved from your integration and is uploaded in CSV form.
Some examples for what data can be uploaded include:
- Performance data (e.g. “Meets expectations”)
- Promotion information (who is getting promoted and into which band)
- Last compensation adjustment date (may be used in your recommendations)
- Additional employee metadata (like whether your company has flagged the employee as a flight risk this cycle)
- Initial values for pay increases or equity grants
- Static uploaded recommendations (overrides recommendation logic)
- Budget allocations if using a “per employee” budget (see more)
Work with your Implementation Manager to learn about more use cases for Data Upload.
Uploaded data will appear in the relevant column unless it is overridden by a user inputted value. For example, if you upload “Exceeds expectations” for an employee’s Performance column, and then a user goes in and changes the value to “Meets expectations”, Pave will now display “Meets expectations” for all users.
If you want the uploaded data to override user inputted values, you can select the “Override planner inputs with uploaded data” checkbox.
When checked, this option will force the uploaded data to appear in the relevant column and override any user-made changes. For example, if a user selects “Meets expectations” for an employee’s Performance column, and then you upload “Exceeds expectations” with the “Override planner inputs with uploaded data” checked, Pave will now display “Exceeds expectations” for all users. This can still be later overridden by further uploads or by user-inputted values submitted afterwards.
Additionally, for currency columns, use local currency without any symbols for currency fields. For example, if an employee earns in EUR and 10,000 is uploaded for salary raise, that will be treated as 10,000 EUR. For budget fields, use the budget currency. For example, if your budget is displaying in USD, upload employee budget allocations in USD according to the conversion rates you have set with your Implementation Manager.
Finally, any uploaded data for an employee will show up in their comment history log in the following format:
Using Data Upload in Pave
Admins can use the Data Upload feature to get data into the cycle.
Navigate to the Data Upload section within the Configurations tab.
Select the columns that you would like to upload data for. The set of columns available comes from the columns in your cycle.
Click Upload Data to launch the upload flow.
Click Download to get a copy of the existing data for each employee in the expected CSV format that you will need to upload the new data in. This is also considered best practice so you have a copy saved of the previous data upload, in case you need to revert back to it.
Make the changes you want to the CSV using Excel or Google Sheets then click Continue
Drag and drop the uploaded CSV into the dialog box.
Select the header row if you uploaded your own CSV from scratch - if you downloaded the template, you should not see this step.
Map the CSV columns to the cycle columns. We intelligently try to map the columns in your CSV to the columns you’ve selected in your merit cycle. Check the mappings are correct before proceeding. If you’ve downloaded the template and left the column names unchanged, then these should be mapped correctly automatically. If there are columns in your CSV that were not selected in step 2, that data will not be reflected in the upload as it will be unmapped. Similarly, to proceed, you must also have a corresponding column in the CSV for every column you selected in step 2.
Click Continue then fix any validation errors. Then click Import.
After the import is successful, you will see updated timestamps under the Last Updated column. You can also view the Audit Log to see the history of data uploads.
Lastly, verify the data was successfully uploaded by seeing your data live in the planner.