What is “Column Configuration”?
This doc explains how to configure columns for merit cycles in Pave. These columns will appear in the main Planner tab for users.
When configuring columns, you will configure a single set of columns that all users will see by default. You can add, edit, delete, and reorder columns for this default set. To customize how users with different roles view and interact with columns, you can apply role overrides to assign specific permissions to roles at the column-level.
To view a full list of supported columns in Pave, see First Class Columns. Outside of these pre-configured columns, you can also create custom columns. Custom columns allow you to access static data that can be uploaded or stored in your integration or they can be set up so that users can specify the values in the columns.
If these columns don’t meet your needs, please work with your Implementation Manager to learn more about column configuration in Pave.
Configuring Columns in Pave
Admins can configure columns for a given cycle by selecting the cycle they are working on, and going to the new Columns section within the Configurations tab.
Add a Column
Click the Add New Column button to launch the column creation flow.
Open the Column dropdown and select an option to add a pre-configured column or click Create a Custom Column to add a custom column. For a full list of Pave’s first class columns, see First Class Columns.Fill out the necessary fields then click the Continue button to configure permissions for the column.
Select a Default Permission that all users will have by default.
Click the + Add Role Override button to apply different permissions to different roles.
After clicking Save, the column will be added to the end of the table.
Edit a Column
Click the Pencil icon to launch the edit column flow.
Make edits in the General and/or Permissions tab. After clicking Save in the bottom right corner, the column edits will be saved.
Delete a Column
Click the Trash icon to launch the delete column flow.
Confirm column deletion by clicking the Delete button.
After deleting, the column will no longer appear in the table.
Reorder Columns
Click the Edit Column Order button to launch the reorder columns flow.
Drag and drop columns until you have the desired order. Note that the Employee column cannot be moved.
Click Save in the top right corner to confirm the new column order.
View Columns by Role
To view what columns a user with a certain set of roles will see in the Planner, click the View Columns by Role button.
Initially, this shows the view for the default user, i.e. what a user will see if they don’t have any roles with corresponding column role overrides.
Select one or more roles to view what a user with the selected role(s) will see.
A sample row of the planner appears at the top. All data shown is sample data based on the data display type and does not dynamically update based on inputs.
Underneath, the table reflects the list of columns the user will see. If more than one role is selected, each column will assume the permission with the highest authority among the selected roles. The order goes Can Edit in Table > Can View in Table > Can Not View in Table.
If a column has the Can Not View in Table authority for the selected role(s), it will not appear in the planner row or column table.
View Audit Log
Click the View Audit Log link to view a timeline of column changes.
This log includes column additions, edits, deletions, and reorders.