When is Option Impact being transitioned to Pave?
When will I have access to Option Impact until?
Why is Option Impact being transitioned to Pave?
How do I sign up for Pave as an Option Impact user?
What will happen to my Option Impact account?
Will all Option Impact data be available in Pave?
How can I access Option Impact data in Pave?
What if I am not able to integrate with Pave?
When is Option Impact being transitioned to Pave?
We plan to transition Option Impact on January 3, 2024.
When will I have access to Option Impact until?
You will have access to Option Impact via optionimpact.com until January 3, 2024 at 10am PST/ 1pm EST, provided your data submission is up-to-date. If you are a Pave Benchmarking customer, you will also have access to Option Impact data as a part of the holistic dataset. On January 3, 2024, remaining Option Impact survey data will only be accessible as part of the Pave dataset.
Why is Option Impact being transitioned to Pave?
At Pave, we believe that the best way to ensure fair compensation is by providing companies with real-time market data. After Pave acquired Option Impact in summer 2022, more than 2,000 Option Impact users have adopted Pave to access real-time, verified compensation benchmarks. As users have shifted from Option Impact to Pave, the volume of data available in Option Impact has significantly decreased making much of the application nonfunctional. Which is why, on January 3, 2024, Option Impact will be discontinued. All users of Option Impact will have ongoing access to Pave’s free benchmarking data by integrating their HRIS/payroll and equity systems with the Pave platform. If you haven't yet, you can join the thousands of Option Impact users who now use Pave for up-to-date, verified compensation benchmarks.
How do I sign up for Pave as an Option Impact user?
To sign up for Pave, navigate to this link and you'll be walked through the sign up flow. You will need to sign up for Pave in order to access the Pave dataset, which is inclusive of up-to-date OI survey data. You will not automatically have a Pave account created for you as an Option Impact user.
What will happen to my Option Impact account?
Before January 3, 2024, your account access will not change. Pave will continue supporting the Option Impact application.
On January 3, 2024 all Option Impact customers account access will be terminated.
Will all Option Impact data be available in Pave?
Option Impact US, UK, and Canadian data is already available in Pave Benchmarking. Once you integrate with Pave and access the Benchmarking dataset, you are given the option to search for a benchmark using a combined (Pave + Option Impact) data source. Option Impact data will remain a part of the holistic Benchmarking dataset as long as the data quality is up to standard.
Option Impact data outside of US, UK, and Canada data is not available in Pave today.
How can I access Option Impact data in Pave?
Once you integrate with Pave, you will be able to access the Benchmarking dataset.
To access Option Impact data here, simply complete a search and it is powered in-part by Option Impact data.
I use Option Impact for their international data, what international locations does Pave have in the Benchmarking dataset? Will Pave add more international locations?
We recently launched a new product called Global Location Insights that has data for 46+ countries and 70+ cities. Global Location Insights allows you to identify location differentials across cities and countries to build international compensation programs. Interested in learning more? Reach out to benchmarkingpro@pave.com.
[For VCs] What happens when my Option Impact contract expires? Do I still have to pay for Option Impact?
As you come upon your contract renewal date, a Pave partnerships team member will reach out to you to discuss your options including working with Pave’s team at a discounted contract price based on the integration rate of your portfolio. To schedule time with our team to discuss your renewal, please speak with our team at partners@pave.com.
How do I integrate with Pave?
Check out this article for more information on the integration process with Pave.
What if I am not able to integrate with Pave?
Similar to other compensation benchmarking surveys, Pave operates on a give-to-get model. The key difference with Pave, is that data is shared via real-time HR integrations rather than an annual process of manual data entry. In order to ensure 100% real-time data, Pave requires that participating companies opt-in to the data network by integrating their HRIS and/or Cap Table systems. If you need support integrating, please reach out to support@pave.com.